Blog - migrate to quarto

following migration guide from Hamel Hussain

September 16, 2022


Hamel just announced that fastpages will be discontinued as nbdev+quarto is now a valid option to provide a blogging platform. He has written a migration guide for that.

This is my walkthrough.


Main software needed are: * quarto * python env with jupyter (can blog from base)

install quarto

$ sudo apt install quarto
[sudo] password for guillaume:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
quarto is already the newest version (1.1.189).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

will have to see what will happen on platforms where I don’t have admin rights.

Here Quarto is already present because I use it for nbdev2.

create repo blog

I create blog repo on github.

And I can now get it locally: git clone (I am from office, only https is accepted)

create a quarto blog

cd ~/git/blog
quarto create-project --type website:blog .
quarto install extension quarto-ext/video

Issue here with quarto install when running from a corporate pc

$ quarto install extension quarto-ext/video
Sending fatal alert BadCertificate
ERROR: TypeError: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer

I have opened an issue at

copy former blog content - notebooks and markdown files

Your new repo will have a posts/ directory.

This is where you will copy all of your notebook and markdown posts from fastpages.

cp -r ../guillaume_blog/_notebooks/* posts/
cp -r ../guillaume_blog/_posts/* posts/

I have to fix some stuff here,

some markdown posts have empty description which is not allowed by the migration process.

To fix that I will run sed -i -- 's/^description:[[:space:]*]$/description:\ \"\"/' ~/git/blog/posts/*.md

Globally to identify culprit, I executed this:

for FILE in ../guillaume_blog/_posts/*; \
do echo $FILE; \
cp "$FILE" posts/; \
sed -i -- 's/^description:[[:space:]*]$/description:\ \"\"/' $chemin/posts/*.md; \
nbdev_migrate --path posts; \
rm -f posts/* 2> /dev/null; \

but now that I know the migration issues, I can just execute:

# handle empty description in markdown files
sed -i -- 's/^description:[[:space:]*]$/description:\ \"\"/' $chemin/posts/*.md
# code should not be here
rm posts/ 
rm -rf posts/exp

What was wrong with was accents in title. Removing é with e fixed it.

copy former blog content - images

mkdir images
cp -r ../guillaume_blog/images/* images
cp -r ../guillaume_blog/images/copied_from_nb/* images

migrate posts to quarto

conda activate dataset_tools #this is an env with nbdev installed
#install last version of nbdev
pip install -U nbdev
nbdev_migrate --path posts

update some files

  • .gitignore: we suggest adding _site/ as well as dot files .*
  • about.qmd: I reuse my former _pages/
  • profile.jpg: and use my profile picture
!cat ../.gitignore


quarto preview

Here we can fix many thinks, and auto update rendered pages is just excellent!

  • move images from posts to posts/images (have to restart quarto preview after that)
  • delete the 2 examples (welcome and post-with-code)

Will have to browse through all the site to see if all is properly rendered. > fix for broken links or Jekyll shortcodes (things with {% … %}) that need to be converted to Quarto. Search the the Quarto documentation if you need help locating specific Quarto features.

keep git repo in sync

NOW=`date '+%F_%H:%M'`;
git add .
git commit -m "$NOW"
git push

publication to gh-pages using gh-actions

There are 2 ways to publish. A straightforword one by calling quarto publish. And a more advanced one with github actions.

Using my corporate PC, quarto publish fails so I will give github actions a try.

quarto publish

quarto publish gh-pages

:heavy_check_mark: This is ok when publishing with home PC.

:x: But fails when publishing with corporate PC.see below quarto publishing issue behind firewall

shared it with community at discord:

github actions

as explained in

1st step is to decide where code is executed: * local execution and rendering * local execution with CI rendering * CI execution and rendering

I think I will go for local execution and rendering.

freezing computations

To be added to _quarto.yml

  freeze: auto

And then quarto render

publish actions

Add a publish.yml GitHub Action to your project by creating this YAML file and saving it to .github/workflows/publish.yml:

    branches: main

name: Quarto Publish

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Set up Quarto
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2

      - name: Render and Publish
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/publish@v2
          target: gh-pages
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

We can now remove the publish command from

And remove _site/ from .gitignore

setup favicon.ico

Creation of a favicon for this blog. Using gimp

And quarto doc for favicon

!cat ../_quarto.yml |grep -B 2 favico
  title: "Guillaume's blog"
  favicon: favicon_small.png

And favicon_small.png is just at root.

!find ../  -name 'favicon_small.png'

setup RSS feed

Discussing with my colleague Jerome, he was interested to get RSS feed from my blog.

I was kind of reluctant because it is not really a blog, it is more a wiki-log. I constantly update articles, sometimes months after the 1st publication.

Anyway, here is how I did to activate RSS feed: just add the option feed: true in index.qmd

!cat ../index.qmd | grep --color=always -z 'feed: true'
title: "blog"
  contents: posts
  sort: "date desc"
  type: default
  categories: true
  sort-ui: false
  filter-ui: true
  feed: true
page-layout: full
title-block-banner: false

And here is the result in Feedly

to be improved

  • no icon in feedly for this feed (I would like it to use my favicon)
  • when publishing an update on article, create new entry in rss feed

change theme and allow light/dark mode

!cat ../_quarto.yml | grep -A2 theme
      light: journal
      dark: darkly

And to have a light banner in the landing page

!cat ../index.qmd | grep banner
title-block-banner: false

(tbd) fix latex expressions

(tbd) google analytics on blog

Guillaume’s blog - Logbook for October 22

Setup google analytics, get G- Id, and update _quarto.yml accordingly as explained in quarto doc.

Analytics available here

(tbd) allow comments

Publication process

!cat ../
NOW=`date '+%F_%H:%M'`;
#quarto render
git add .
git commit -m "$NOW"
git push
#quarto publish gh-pages --no-prompt

Issues / improvments

[workaround] quarto publishing issue behind firewall

Identical to error happening when installing quarto extension

$ quarto publish
? Publish update to: › (GitHub Pages)
 * branch            gh-pages   -> FETCH_HEAD
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
 + 0a3710d...1aeaf23 HEAD -> gh-pages (forced update)
fatal: 'fadc274b' is not a working tree

NOTE: GitHub Pages sites use caching so you might need to click the refresh
button within your web browser to see changes after deployment.

(\) Deploying gh-pages branch to website (this may take a few minutes)Sending fatal alert BadCertificate
[✓] Deploying gh-pages branch to website (this may take a few minutes)
ERROR: TypeError: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer

For context, I use quarto as a replacement of fastai/fastpages and followed a migration guide from Hamel Hussain asking for this installation.

And I’m in a corporate environment with transparent proxies and self signed certificates. My system has updated CERT in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/, and SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable pointing to updated corporate pem.

$ quarto install extension quarto-ext/lightbox
Sending fatal alert BadCertificate
ERROR: TypeError: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: invalid peer certificate contents: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer

It fails with the same message. When I run quarto publish I have the same issue.

One option is to use github actions as explained in publication to gh-pages using gh-actions.

[workaround] inline images are not properly rendered

analysis made at inline images from jupyter with quarto

short answer: use jupyter lab to blog

Albert Rapp as an example

quarto updated to version 1.2.269

~/temp$ wget
~/temp$ sudo apt install ./quarto-1.2.269-linux-amd64.deb 
~/temp$ quarto -V

I don’t know what is the changelog. Looks like we don’t need to install video extension anymore. (quarto install extension quarto-ext/video)

~/git/blog$ quarto remove extension quarto-ext/video

I have started a thread in fastai forum. There are updates with widget states and inline images. Update worth running!

move to quarto > 1.3

with quarto 1.3, we have acces to code annotation which is a fancy feature

and to use it in my blog, I have to switch to quarto pre-release version.

This happens in blog/publish.yml

      - name: Set up Quarto
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
          version: 'pre-release'

[bug] ERROR: File name too long (os error 36), when rendering with v1.3.242

Mar-03 23

Just opened this

and to fix it I moved back to stable quarto version (removed pre-release version from publish.yml)

it uses quarto 1.2.335